
Live Training, July 2022!

Therapeutic Inductions Training

This training is unlike anything you will have experienced before. Just imagine a training fully devoted to inductions where the induction is not the point! (more…)

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Contact Form is Back!

It was brought to our attention today that the Contact Form was down. We have no idea how long that has been the case, though it does explain why our inbox has been pleasantly quieter than usual! However, the page is back and we can confirm that the form is once again working as intended. So, now it's over to you - send us any comments, or queries you have regarding the site. We would also encourage you to send us any inductions that you would like us to consider adding to the site. An alternative way to contact us, especially if you would like to discuss any content on the site, is by joining our facebook group. Either way,...

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Tutorial: Ambiguous Touch

Milton H. Erickson

My first hypnosis training was a year long and it was a complete waste of 365 days! Then I spent a day with Jonathan Chase and 2 weekends with Stephen Brooks (miles apart, right?) and it felt like my hypnotic skill improved 1000%. Anyway, I had heard about legendary things like the Ericksonian handshake. It always seemed like the epitome of hypnotic skill. To be able to hypnotise someone that easily, that quickly, so effortlessly. And then I saw Stephen Brooks achieve arm catalepsy in a maximum of 4 seconds, by merely taking someone's hand, looking at them and saying 2 or 3 words. At that point, I realised that inductions weren't really about the excellence of the technique. (more…)

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Tutorial: The Eye-lock(s)

Female with one eye closed

This week, we are continuing our series of tutorials on "Super simple" techniques, ideas and approaches. * To be included under the umbrella of “super simple,” the technique needs to be fairly basic and easy to execute. However, it also needs to contain additional depth of both execution and application. * In this tutorial, we will consider 3 variations of a basic eye-lock. If you are more accustomed to the inductions on this site, than the rest of the content, you might recognise this as frequently seen at the beginning of the Elman induction. (more…)

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Whoops! My bad!

Well, we really dropped the ball on this one, eh? Here at How to do Inductions, we are supposed to be providing you with weekly updates (in the form of an article and/or tutorial), as well as a monthly newsletter - and we have done neither! If it helps, it has not been through disinterest or neglect. A number of our other websites were hacked, so we have been working over-time to recover, fix and protect them. Given how many members this site has, it also necessitated ensuring howtodoinductions was extra secure. So, whilst you may not have seen us out here serving tables, believe me - we've been busy in the kitchen! Yet, before all of that activity, we...

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The Audiobooks are Here!

Well, some of them are, at least! We are gradually releasing the books from our Inductions Masterclass Series as audiobooks. You'll be able to get them at Audible (more…)

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What is Hypnosis?

So, it turns out that one of the most helpful answers to the oft-asked question, What is Hypnosis?, is also one of the most vague. I've said for a good few years that when clients ask that question they are usually asking something different to academics or professionals. In my experience, clients don't tend to be enquiring as to how involved their pre-frontal cortex will be, or whether they will be experiencing alpha or theta levels. Yet, having said that, I would still offer my answer as valid and useful to the researchers and hypnotists as well. What exactly is happening with hypnosis? What criteria can we use to define it? What is Art? By way of a poor analogy,...

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