Staircase Deepener

Introduction Another example of a classic deepener: Transcript As you sit there, very comfortable and very relaxed - you become aware of a staircase - a beautiful staircase with a polished, ornate banister running down alongside and a deep, rich carpet underneath your bare feet. As you look down the stairs you notice that there are ten steps leading gently down - ten steps leading down, and down, and down; these are the steps that will lead you deep into dreamtime - deep into relaxation - and in a moment I'd like you to walk down those steps with me and I will count them off for you one at a time, and you will find that the deeper down...

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Rhode’s Breathing Deepener

Transcript …I would like you to now concentrate on your breathing…focus on your breathing… …And as you focus on your breathing…I would like you to focus on a spot or point on the wall or ceiling…Any spot will do…it could even be an object…Just focus your gaze on this spot and concentrate on this spot as much as you can… …Now I would like you to do a yoga breathing exercise to help you relax deeper and deeper…I would like you to alternate breathing with your left and right nostrils… …I would like you to do this following pattern… …Breathe in through your left nostril…and breathe out through your right nostril… …Breathe in through your right nostril…and breath out through...

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Numbered Staircase

Introduction This is a nice variation on the popular staircase deepener. Asking the client what number they have reached helps to verify the 'level' of trance they are experiencing. Transcript You’re now standing at the top of a very long and beautiful staircase. There are one hundred steps leading down, and around and although you can’t see the bottom of the stairs from here, you just know that there’s a beautiful place waiting at the bottom of the stairs, just for you. Notice the staircase; notice the carpet if there is one, make it your favourite colour. Perhaps the stairs are made of marble or wood, if so then that’s okay, that’s alright. On either side is a beautiful firm...

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Candle Countdown

[su_accordion] [su_spoiler title="Transcript" open="yes" style="default" icon="plus" anchor="" anchor_in_url="no" class=""] Now, as you relax more and more, you can just enjoy that experience of letting every muscle in your body... [wait for out-breath] relax. And now imagine in your minds eye a single candle which is lit. I don't know what colour your candle is - it can be any colour you choose - but I do know that the colour you choose is a colour that your subconscious knows relaxes you and calms your mind. Focus your mind on the flame of the candle. See how beautiful the colours are within the flame. Notice the flickering and dancing of the flame, as the yellows and reds swirl around. You may...

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Awareness Deepener

[su_accordion] [su_spoiler title="Transcript" open="yes" style="default" icon="plus" anchor="" anchor_in_url="no" class=""] …Now I would like you to listen to the sound of my voice…just listen quietly to the sound of my voice... and as you listen to the sound of my voice you may be aware of other sounds too.... sounds inside the building…and sounds from outside... …I would like you to know that in a strange and contradictory way, these sounds will help you to relax, deeper and deeper…the only sound you need to think about is the sound of my voice... and while you're listening to the sound of my voice you can just simply allow yourself to drift away…drift away to a warm and pleasant place…a relaxing part of...

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A Relaxing Staircase

Introduction This Staircase deepener, also appears with our Progressive Muscle Relaxation script. It was written by Richard Nongard and can be downloaded for free from the link in the credit. Transcript As you relax, I want you to create in your mind a mental image of a grand staircase; a grand staircase that either curves to the left or curves to the right. It has a grand banister with ornate artwork. [Pause] This heavenly flight of stairs has ten steps. [Pause] You are at the top of the ten stairs. [Pause] In a minute, you are going to slowly move, in your mind’s eye, from the tenth stair, to the ninth stair… From the ninth stair, to the eighth, all...

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The various deepeners found in this section are useful for helping someone reach a 'lower' level of trance. Of course, all of this talk of 'deeper' and 'lower' is simply metaphorical, but it serves a helpful purpose. A popular - and effective - deepener is the simple Staircase. This involves inviting the client to imagine walking down a staircase, becoming more relaxed with each step. It's a simple way for them to focus on the process of becoming increasingly more relaxed, whilst employing their imagination to reinforce the point. Most of the deepeners listed here are variations on this theme.

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