Perspective Induction


This induction grew out of discussions around Milton Erickson’s influence on solution-focused therapy. In 1954, Erickson wrote a paper entitled, Pseudo-Orientation in Time as a Hypnotic Procedure.

Later, as Steve de Shazer and his team continued to work with pseudo-orientation in time, they discovered that, ‘simply describing in detail a future in which the problem is already solved helps to build the expectation that the problem will be solved and then this expectation, once formed, can help the client think and behave in ways that will lead to fulfilling this expectation.’

In solution-focused therapy, we are less interested in what someone is trying to avoid and more on what they are looking for instead. Where do they want to get to? And what would life look like if they were there? — And that last question is key…


Want do you hope to get out of this session? I mean, how will you know when this has been a valuable use of your time?

– “Well, I am learning to drive, but I keep freaking-out in the car and just can’t keep going with the lesson.”

Freaking out?

– “Yeah, like a panic attack… My whole body gets like flooded with fear.”

So, how will you know that coming here today was a good decision?

– “I won’t do that any more. Like, my fear of driving will have gone.”

And what will have taken its place?

– “What do you mean?”

Well, you’ve done a good job of describing what you don’t want – that fear of driving. However, I’m also interested in what you do want. What do you want instead of that old fear?

– “I want to drive with ease, effortlessly, almost like I’m in the flow.”

In the flow, that’s nice.

– “Yeah.”

I’d like to hear more about that flow. So, what we could do now, is imagine that the door there out of my office is a portal into an alternate world… You’ll of heard all about the multi-verse and films like Sliding Doors, right?

– “Yeah, love that film.”

Really? Me too! Okay, so, that door there is a portal into an alternate world, parallel universe, different time-line, however, you like to imagine it now. And what I want you to know is that when you step through that door, it can be as if you are stepping into another world for you. And the only thing that is different about that world – everything else is the same – the only thing that is different is that that old fear has now gone. When you leave through that door, you will know that coming here was a great decision on your part, because you will find that you now drive with ease, effortlessly, like you’re in the flow.

So, that’s something to look forward to, now, isn’t it?

– “Hell, yeah!”

Paint the picture for me then. Imagine that you’ve gone through that portal, that old fear is gone, and you’re driving tomorrow, next week, six months time – how can you tell that you now drive with with ease, effortlessly, like you’re in the flow?

– “I’m just like, not even really thinking about it. Just driving.”

You’re not even really thinking about it.

– “Yeah, you know like, on auto-pilot. Not obsessing or getting worked-up.”

So, like on auto-pilot, not ever really thinking about it. What’s that like?

– “That’s the flow I was talking about. Just, there’s just like an ease to it. It’s natural.”

It is natural. And what’s that like?

– [Laughs] “Oh, it’s great! I love it.”

[Laughs] And it’s an interesting experience, isn’t it? How we can drive effortlessly, with ease, like we’re on auto-pilot, but we’re still driving safely, seeing the road signs, stopping at the lights, yet somehow still enjoying that feeling of driving naturally.

– “Yeah, it’s great.”

So, if I was driving past, how would I know you are loving it, driving with ease?

– “Um, I guess, the look on my face? I’d look relaxed?”


– “Yeah.”

Driving with ease, effortlessly, naturally, relaxed. And what does that feel like?

– “I just love it. So calm and peaceful. It just all flows.”

It does, doesn’t it?

– “Yeah.”

Now, if I was the Sun shining down on you, what would give away to me that you were loving driving, so calm and peaceful?

– “You’d see it on my face again, but there’s just no tension. I’m not like gripping the steering-wheel…”

In the flow.

– “Yeah.”

And how is that?

– “It’s good. It’s nice.”

And, if I was a fly on the other side of the windscreen, how would I see that it’s good, it’s nice? What would that look like to me?

– “You’d see me just driving easily. No big deal. No stress, no tension, no panic…”

The old panic’s gone.

– “Yeah, and I’m just driving, like effortlessly.”

How would any cars driving safely behind you know that you were just driving effortlessly?

– “I would be jittery with my break pedal, or anything like that.”

So what would you be?

– “Calm, confident. Safe and at ease.”

That’s good.

– [Takes deep breath.] “Yeah.”

And if I am sat in your passenger seat – let’s pretend I didn’t know that old panic has gone – what would give me a clue? What would be a hint that, ‘Oh, just a minute, things are different now…’?

– “Oh, you’d know! There’s a big difference. I’m just… there’s no issue. You could just tell.”

How could I tell?

– “I’d be driving calmly, happily. Yeah, that might be the main thing. You’d see that I was happy. Yeah.”

So, I’m sat next to you [Hypnotist’s voice has been slowing down slightly, matching the physical changes he is noticing in his client ] …and I’m seeing that you are happy…

– “Yeah.”

Driving with ease, calm, confident…

– “Yeah, definitely.”

Safely, effortlessly. In that flow.

[Client opens mouth as if to speak, but stays silent.]

And how is that relaxed, easy, effortless, calm, flow, right now?

[Client smiles, but still stays silent.]

That’s right…

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