The Hand Spread Induction is an unusual hypnotic induction. It is a ‘pace and lead induction’ and as such obviously depends on good pacing and leading skills.
Just settle yourself comfortably down… and when you are comfortable… hold your hand up in front of your face, palm towards you, with the fingers spread apart… so you can see the whole hand…
at a comfortable distance…that’s right… just spread those fingers out…
now just look at your hand… focus on that hand… notice that the fingers want to move… moving very slightly… very slightly moving together… that’s right moving together…
and with each movement of one finger… other fingers start to move as well… small jerky movements perhaps… moving… relaxing…
that’s right… and those fingers are moving closer and closer… and I wonder if you have noticed yet that your arm is bending at the elbow… as those fingers get closer and closer… more and more…
[Continue pacing and leading, noting and gently encouraging every movement]it is as if something is pulling that hand… pulling it towards you… as those fingers get closer and closer…
[Keep encouraging in a soft voice. Start suggesting trance as soon as there is sustained movement. Carry on leading. ]and as that hand moves towards you and those fingers are closing and you are hearing my voice you may be feeling your eyes are getting heavier… unfocusing… as that hand falls towards you… those eyes are getting heavier and heavier…
and maybe it would be more comfortable to close them now… or when that hand touches your [mention whatever the hand seems be heading for] face… and those fingers are almost completely relaxed now…
and when that hand touches… or gets close enough… your eyes will close completely… and that hand will drop into your lap as quickly as you go into a deep trance… that’s right… going into trance now…
and with each breath out… allow yourself to go deeper and deeper… more relaxed… more comfortable… more at ease…
It’s as if you have a voice in your head saying… with each breath out… ‘deeper and deeper’… ‘more at ease’… ‘deeper and deeper’… ‘more at ease’…
And each gentle breath is making you more relaxed… letting go… nothing to do… and just take a few moments to enjoy that wonderful feeling of relaxation… as every part of your body relaxes deeply… deeply deeply relaxed … now.
[Now do a convincer] [Carry on with the therapy]Credit