Auto Wrist Lift


This is a phenomenal induction. It is intentionally open-ended and can go in a number of directions.

The Auto Wrist Lift shares a number of features with the Heavy Ball Induction.


I would like you to find a spot on the back of your hand, and focus on that. And it doesn’t even matter if you focus all of your attention on that spot and allow yourself to become absorbed in that.

Now, I would like you to use your other hand to lift that hand up by the wrist, like so.

[Demonstrate, bending the lifted arm at 90 degrees at the elbow.]

Now, hold it gentler. Now, gentler. In fact, I’d like you to hold it as gently as you possibly can, with the arm still remaining in the air…

Gentler… Hold it so gently that you cannot even feel it…

And when you are confident that you arm will stay up on its own, you can remove the other hand and see what that feels like… just floating there, of its own accord…

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See also:

I can only get catalepsy in one arm

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