This Staircase deepener, also appears with our Progressive Muscle Relaxation script.
It was written by Richard Nongard and can be downloaded for free from the link in the credit.
As you relax, I want you to create in your mind a mental image of a grand staircase; a grand staircase that either curves to the left or curves to the right.
It has a grand banister with ornate artwork.
[Pause]This heavenly flight of stairs has ten steps.
[Pause]You are at the top of the ten stairs.
[Pause]In a minute, you are going to slowly move, in your mind’s eye, from the tenth stair, to the ninth stair…
From the ninth stair, to the eighth, all the way down, until eventually you get to the very last stair.
When you get to the bottom of the staircase, you are going to step off into a giant restful feather bed; a place of complete tranquility and comfort and peace.
[Pause]As you relax, imagine yourself at the top of the grand staircase..
Moving now from the tenth stair, to the ninth stair…
With each slow movement from one step to the next… you become more relaxed.
This sensation of relaxation not only doubles or triples, but is ten times more powerful
than the previous step.
Now move from the ninth step… to the eighth step…
And from the eighth… to the seventh…
Relaxing even further…
Allowing your mind to drift…
And your body to relax.
From seven to six…
Six to five…
Doing good…
Five to four…
Almost there…
Quadrupling the sensation of relaxation…
Peace and serenity…
In your mind’s eye, down on that bottom step.
With the next step, you are going to step off this heavenly flight of stairs into a state of total relaxation, and comfortably rest on a feather bed, or a comfortable pillow that you have created in your mind.
All the way down now, totally relaxed…
Opening the subconscious mind to new thoughts, new ideas, and new experiences.