Happy New Year – and where the hell have we been?!

Hi folks – and welcome to 2023! It all seems a little familiar so far, but I am sure there will be some exciting surprises along the way.

As you may have gathered – from our silence here, or mentions in the facebook group – things have not gone off without a glitch here at H2Di. In fact, there have been glitches a plenty! Numerous issues meant we had to pull-out of training events we were looking forward to towards the end of 2022 and the training courses we hoped to provide here are currently on hold.

The courses will be released eventually, but for now we have no time-frame in mind. We’re not thrilled about it, but we keep pushing on.

However, as we start a new year, we are committed to updating the site more regularly, with more posts, articles and tutorials. You can also expect yet another book in The Inductions Masterclass series in the next couple of months. High-Speed Hypnosis: Rapid Inductions in a Therapepeutic Environment not only argues that rapid inductions may have a place in clinical hypnosis, but that at times they may be precisely the (therapeutic) induction that is needed.

So come back regularly or sign-up for our newsletter to be the among the first to grab a copy.

In the meantime, don’t forget to join our facebook group to discuss all manner of things hypnotic and meet like-minded mesmerising friends.

See you there!